Sri Wahyuni is a mother and she lives with her family in Siofa Ewali village, Tello. She always participates in the Mothers Health Clubs which are provided by YMAP International and Puskesmas in her village. People used to call her as Mrs. Sri, during her last pregnancy she learned about exclusive breastfeeding, nutrition for pregnant and also nutrition for lactating mothers. She learned also how to prepare nutritious food and supplemental feeding for children. She also keeps eating nutritious food as suggested and obeys the advice she got during the training at the Club. She visited village midwife to check her pregnancy regularly and obey the advice that midwife given to her. She tried to prepare and nutritious food so the baby in her womb will be healthy and the mother is also should be healthy.
When the time for delivery was coming, she faced very difficult situation, she has very painful stomach but no signs of delivery, after waiting for sometimes the midwife gave up and advice the family to take her to the Hospital in Teluk Dalam. In the hospital there is medical doctor and comprehensive equipment for delivery services. Although the trip to Teluk Dalam would take 5-6 hours away from Tello and the boat cost is very expensive. To save her life finally her family rent a boat while family members and relatives went together to accompany her. In the way to Teluk Dalam she got very painful stomach and all the people panic and kept trying to help her and did whatever they can do to address her pain. By the grace of God she delivered the baby boy in February 14, 2017 in the boat. Truly the presence of God is with this family, Sri and the baby boy were both healthy and they named him Entino Manao, the Entino word came from the name of the boat they used.
From the day she delivered the baby, she decided to exclusive breastfed her baby and kept continue until the baby 6 months old. She was happy to breastfeed her baby without any additional food and she admitted that her baby grew well and healthy. She hopes other mothers to follow her practices so their baby can grow well and healthy. I tried to encourage other mothers in my neighbors to practice exclusive breastfeeding so they will have healthy babies like my baby.
She is thanking MAP who educates her and other mothers in her village on exclusive breastfeeding. I really hope that MAP continues to educate mothers on her island to practice Exclusive breastfeeding and particularly in her village Siofa Ewali. So we will have healthy children in the future in this island.
Tags: Baby, Breast Feeding, Exclusive, Mother, Mothers Health Club, Puskesmas